Table of contents
API references
Helpful resources
Get Started thumbnail
Building a web or service application, use this guide for step-by-step instructions.
Samples thumbnail
View our sample applications to help you get started.
Learning courses thumbnail
Learn about key iTwin Platform topics in this introductory course.
Seequent Evo thumbnail
Learn more about the Seequent Evo platform.

Manage the users, projects, and organizations that interact with your iTwin.
Facilitate the planning, scheduling, and management of projects across various domains.
Create, manage, analyze and share Reality Data such as Photos, Point Clouds, Meshes.
Build custom dashboards and integrate iTwin data with other business applications.
Collaborate with the project team to manage issues, exchanges, and design reviews.
Transform engineering data from native design formats to web-viewable iTwins.
Detect geometry clashes.
View and interact with your iTwin in a web browser using Bentley cloud services.
Subscribe to iTwin events to receive notifications and trigger actions in your applications.

Roles and permissions
Learn how to control who can manage your iTwin Platform subscription and applications.
Spatial alignment
Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of your projects by ensuring accurate and precise geolocation.
Introduction of "itwin-platform" scope
Learn about the new 'itwin-platform' scope and how to migrate away from old scopes.

iTwin Platform availability
View which services are available across our data centers.
Open Source
Interested in our open source projects? We use them in the iTwin Platform.
iTwin Platform concepts
Get familiar with key iTwin Platform concepts.
Seequent Evo Platform
Learn about developing on the Seequent Evo platform for subsurface geoscience.

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