Property Validation Basics


Use Property Validation to check whether property values in an iModel conform to certain rules. The validation is run on user-defined rules for specified property values.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to:

  • Get property value rule templates
  • Create/Update/Delete a property validation rule, test, and run
  • Run the property validation test against a specific iModel version
  • Retrieve the property validation test run results


Skill level:



20 minutes


This tutorial assumes that you already have:

  • Access to an iModel and the associated project ID and iModel ID for that iModel, along with the named version ID for the version you want to run the test against.
  • Property and schema information for the rules you want to implement.

1. Request an authorization token using one of the methods below

Implement the Authorization Code Flow in the application

Use the OAuth2 Authorization article to implement an Authorization code workflow in your application.

Grab a user token from API reference “Try it out” Section

  1. Open Get property value validation rule templates
  2. Click the Try it out button.
  3. In the Authorization section, select AuthorizationCode.
  4. Copy the Authorization token in the Header section for use in this tutorial. It will replace the JWT_TOKEN dynamic parameter in the following steps.

2. Get property validation rule templates

A property validation rule is used as a basis for verifying the value of a property. A rule checks if the value of a property is defined, within a range of values, matches a pattern, etc.

We have provided a variety of property validation rule templates to get you started. The HTTP GET[&continuationToken][&$top] request returns all property validation rule templates for the given project ID. Choose the template that is best suited for your goals based on the description.

In this tutorial, we demonstrate using the PropertyValuePattern template.

Request Syntax


Request Headers

Accept: application/
Authorization: Bearer JWT_TOKEN

Response Headers

Content-Type: application/json

Response Body

    "description":"Checks if the property confirms to the provided pattern",
    "prompt":"Looks for given pattern in iModel",
      "propertyName": "LastMod",
      "pattern": "west"

3. Creating a property validation rule

Configuring the validation rules is the biggest part of creating a property validation test.

To create a property validation rule, you need the template ID of a property validation template, a name for the rule, a description, the severity of the rule, and the dataType. You will also need a project ID as well as an EC schema and class. Optionally, you can include a conditional whereClause. Depending on the template used, you may also need to provide functionParameters.

  • severity: One of four values: “veryHigh’, 'high’, 'medium’, 'low”
  • dataType: One of three values: “property’, 'aspect’, 'typeDefinition”
  • functionParameters: These are the parameters listed in the templateExpression object of a retrieved template.
  • whereClause: Syntax for the where clause is as follows: [propertyName][comparison operator] [value], ie USER_LABEL = 'Door’, for multiple properties connectors such as AND/OR can be used as well.

In the example on the right, a rule is created to match all PUMP elements with a COMPONENT_NAME property containg the pattern “pmp” with the case-insensitive flag specified. The template ID is set to use the PropertyValuePattern template.

If your rule is created successfully, it will return the rule metadata and a rule ID. This will be used in the following steps to associate the rule with a test.

Updating a property validation rule

To update a rule, the request body format is the same, but requires calling the HTTP PUT{id} request with the rule ID. Currently, functionParameters cannot be updated. If a change is needed, you must delete the rule and create a new one.

Deleting a property validation rule

Deleting a property validation rule requires calling the HTTP DELETE{id} request with the rule ID.

Note: At this time, deleting a property validation rule does not automatically delete them from associated tests. Make sure to update the tests in conjunction with the rule deletion to keep things consistent.

Request Syntax


Request Headers

Accept: application/
Authorization: Bearer JWT_TOKEN

Request Body

  "description":"test rule",

Response Headers

Content-Type: application/json

Response Body

    "id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "displayName": "PropertyValuePatternRule",
    "description": "property value pattern rule",
    "templateId": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "severity": "high",
    "ecSchema": "ProcessPhysical",
    "ecClass": "PUMP",
    "whereClause": null,
    "functionParameters": {
      "propertyName": "COMPONENT_NAME",
      "pattern": "pmp",
      "flags": "i"
    "dataType": "property",
    "_links": {
      "self": {
          "href": ""

4. Creating a Property Validation Test

The process of creating a property validation test is very basic as the majority of the configuration happens during rule creation.

To create a property validation test, you need the ID of the project, a name and description for the test, as well as an array of rule IDs to associate with the test.

To get a list of rules and rule IDs created and available for a specific project requires calling the HTTP GET[&continuationToken][&$top] request. The Prefer parameter to the header can be used to get a condensed or more detailed list of rules. For more details, see Get validation PropertyValue rules.

For this tutorial, simply set the rules array in the given example request body to the ID of the newly created rule from the previous step. Optionally, call the GET request and add some of the rule IDs that are returned.

Updating a property validation test

To update a test, the request body format remains the same but requires calling the HTTP PUT{id} request with the test ID.

Note: This will replace everything. If you are adding new rules, make sure to pass in the full list of rule IDs rather than just the new rule.

Deleting a property validation test

Deleting a property validation requires calling the HTTP DELETE{id} request with the test ID.

Note: Deleting a property validation test does not automatically delete associated test runs.

Request Syntax


Request Headers

Accept: application/
Prefer: return=representation
Authorization: Bearer JWT_TOKEN

Request Body

  "displayName":"PV test1",
  "description":"PV test1",

Response Headers

Content-Type: application/json

Response Body


5. Run a Property Validation Test

Triggering a property validation test run requires the test ID from the created test, as well as the iModel ID and Named Version ID of the iModel on which the test is being run.

If a test is successfully triggered, the POST request will return the ID of the run triggered with the associated test. The given run ID can be used in the HTTP GET{id} request to check the status of the run as well as retrieve the test results, which are detailed in the next step.

Request Syntax


Request Headers

Accept: application/
Authorization: Bearer JWT_TOKEN

Request Body


Response Headers

Content-Type: application/json

Response Body


6. Getting Property Validation Test Results

A results link is provided in the response body of the HTTP GET{id} request. Retrieving the results can be done by making a GET request using said link which points to the HTTP GET{id} request.

Note: While the results link will always appear in the response body, you will not be able to actually retrieve the results until the status is shown as complete.

The property validation results are formatted with a result array that holds all the invalid property values as well as a ruleList array that holds all of the rules associated with the test run.

Within each object in the result array:

  • elementId: the element id of the invalid property
  • elementLabel: the element label of the invalid property
  • ruleIndex: the index of the rule within ruleList that this property failed to pass
  • badValue: the invalid property value

Within each object in the ruleList array:

  • id: the rule ID
  • displayName: the rule name

The given example response body to the right shows what might be returned.

Delete a property validation test run

Deleting a property validation test run requires calling the HTTP DELETE{id} request with the run ID.

Request Syntax


Request Headers

Accept: application/
Authorization: Bearer JWT_TOKEN

Response Headers

Content-Type: application/json

Response Body

    "displayName":"PropertyValueTest1-10/21/2020 4:07:28 PM",
    "executedDateTime":"12/1/2020 5:12:50 PM",
    "userName":"John Johnson",

Request Syntax


Request Headers

Accept: application/
Authorization: Bearer JWT_TOKEN

Response Headers

Content-Type: application/json

Response Body

      "elementLabel":" [3-D] ",
      "elementLabel":" [3-F] ",
      "elementLabel":" [3-G] ",


In this tutorial, you learned how to create, update and delete property validation rules and tests. You also learned how to run a property validation test and fetch the results.