This api will create an export job with the given parameters.
When you create a new export job, it is added to a queue. The service will only process two export jobs at a time. Most exports will only take a few seconds to complete. It may take several minutes if the export is very large (more than 100,000 itwins) or if there are many exports in the queue.
The output file will be saved to a storage account and automatically deleted after 4 hours. The url of the file will be returned when you query for the details of the export using the Get Export or Get My Exports APIs.
A user can only have one Queued or InProgress export job at a time.
A user can only create 3 export jobs per hour.
Requires Authorization
header with valid Bearer token for scope itwin-platform
For more documentation on authorization and how to get access token visit OAUTH2 Authorization page.
Any user can create an export job. Only an Organization Administrator can create an export job that uses the OrganizationAdmin query scope.
An Organization Administrator must have at least one of the following roles assigned in User Management: Account Administrator, Co-Administrator, or CONNECT Services Administrator. For more information about User Management please visit our Bentley Communities Licensing, Cloud, and Web Services wiki page.
Request headers
OAuth access token with itwin-platform
Setting to application/
is recommended.
Request body
MemberOfiTwin - (Default) The export will be limited to the iTwins that the user is a member of. Use the Access Control API to manage an iTwin's members.
OrganizationAdmin - The export will be limited to the iTwins that belong to the users organization. It can only be used by an organization admin. It is useful for admins that want to export all iTwins in their organization.
One or more iTwin subClasses. Use a comma delimited list to specify more than one. For example, to export Assets and Projects, specify 'Asset,Project'. If not specified, the export will include all subClasses.
A comma delimited list of iTwin properties that you want to include in the export. Keep the list of properties as small as possible to increase the speed of the export and limit the size of the export file. If not specified, then it will export the minimal representation which includes these columns: id,class,subClass,type,number,displayName
An odata filter used to limit the iTwins that are exported. Use the subClass property to limit to specific subClasses. The filter is used to filter the results even further. All text values in the filter are case insensitive.
- status+in+['Active','Inactive']
- status+eq+'Active'+and+contains('test',number)+and+CreatedDateTime+ge+2023-01-01T00:00:00Z
- parentId+eq+'78202ffd-272b-4207-a7ad-7d2b1af5dafc'+and+(startswith('ABC',number)+or+startswith('ABC',displayName))
By default, Inactive iTwins are not returned from any API. This flag allows you to indicate that you want the export to include inactive iTwins. If not specified, the export will include iTwins with any status but Inactive, including any new status added in the future. If you specify a status in the filter parameter, then an error will be returned if you also try to set the includeInactive flag.
JsonGZip - A single large json file compressed using gzip. (filename.json.gz)
JsonZipArchive - A zip archive containing multiple json files. Each file contains 20,000 itwins. (
CsvGZip - A single csv file compressed using gzip. (filename.csv.gz)
Csv - A single uncompressed csv file. (filename.csv)
{ "queryScope": "MemberOfiTwin", "subClass": "Asset,Project", "select": "number,displayName,status", "filter": "status+eq+'Active'+and+contains(number,'abc')", "includeInactive": false, "outputFormat": "JsonGZip" }
Response 201 Created
Export successfully created.
{ "export": { "id": "a81b9253-d0a3-4b09-962a-b5a51da34537", "request": { "queryScope": "MemberOfiTwin", "subClass": "Asset,Project", "select": "number,displayName,status", "filter": "status+eq+'Active'+and+contains(number,'abc')", "includeInactive": false, "outputFormat": "JsonGZip" }, "status": "Queued", "outputUrl": null, "createdBy": "55126a9b-eecb-4ae8-92af-2b1cc8b1259a", "createdDateTime": "2024-10-11T21:43:11.060Z", "startedDateTime": null, "completedDateTime": null } }
Response 401 Unauthorized
This response indicates that request lacks valid authentication credentials. Access token might not been provided, issued by the wrong issuer, does not have required scopes or request headers were malformed.
{ "error": { "code": "HeaderNotFound", "message": "Header Authorization was not found in the request. Access denied." } }
Response 403 Forbidden
The user has insufficient permissions for the requested operation.
{ "error": { "code": "InsufficientPermissions", "message": "The user has insufficient permissions for the requested operation." } }
Response 422 Unprocessable Entity
Invalid request to create an iTwin export job. This could be caused by Invalid data or a quota violation.
{ "error": { "code": "InvalidiTwinsRequest", "message": "Cannot query iTwins.", "details": [{ "code": "ResourceQuotaExceeded", "target": "MaxJobsPerHourQuota", "message": "The user has exceeded the maximum number of export jobs allowed per hour." }, { "code": "ResourceQuotaExceeded", "target": "SimultaneousJobsQuota", "message": "The user has exceeded the maximum number of simultaneous export jobs allowed." }, { "code": "InvalidValue", "target": "subClass", "message": "A valid iTwin SubClass was not specified in the query." }, { "code": "InvalidValue", "target": "$select", "message": "The $select string contains an unknown property." }, { "code": "InvalidParameter", "target": "$filter", "message": "$filter contains an invalid or unsupported statement." }, { "code": "InvalidValue", "target": "$filter", "message": "The $filter contains an invalid property." }, { "code": "InvalidValue", "target": "outputFormat", "message": "outputFormat contains an invalid value." }, { "code": "InvalidValue", "target": "queryScope", "message": "queryScope contains an invalid value." } ] } }
Response 429 Too many requests
This response indicates that the client sent more requests than allowed by this API for the current tier of the client.
{ "error": { "code": "RateLimitExceeded", "message": "The client sent more requests than allowed by this API for the current tier of the client." } }
Response headers
Number of seconds to wait until client is allowed to make more requests.
The status of the export.
{ "description": "The status of the export.", "type": "string", "enum": [ "Queued", "InProgress", "Completed", "Failed" ] }
The scope of the query. This determines whether you want to query all iTwins that you are a member of or all iTwins in your organization. Only administrators can use the OrganizationAdmin option.
{ "description": "The scope of the query. This determines whether you want to query all iTwins that you are a member of or all iTwins in your organization. Only administrators can use the OrganizationAdmin option.", "type": "string", "enum": [ "MemberOfiTwin", "OrganizationAdmin" ], "default": "MemberOfiTwin" }
The format of the export file.
{ "description": "The format of the export file.", "type": "string", "enum": [ "JsonGZip", "JsonZipArchive", "CsvGZip", "Csv" ] }
MemberOfiTwin - (Default) The export will be limited to the iTwins that the user is a member of. Use the Access Control API to manage an iTwin's members.
OrganizationAdmin - The export will be limited to the iTwins that belong to the users organization. It can only be used by an organization admin. It is useful for admins that want to export all iTwins in their organization.
One or more iTwin subClasses. Use a comma delimited list to specify more than one. For example, to export Assets and Projects, specify 'Asset,Project'. If not specified, the export will include all subClasses.
A comma delimited list of iTwin properties that you want to include in the export. Keep the list of properties as small as possible to increase the speed of the export and limit the size of the export file. If not specified, then it will export the minimal representation which includes these columns: id,class,subClass,type,number,displayName
An odata filter used to limit the iTwins that are exported. Use the subClass property to limit to specific subClasses. The filter is used to filter the results even further. All text values in the filter are case insensitive.
- status+in+['Active','Inactive']
- status+eq+'Active'+and+contains('test',number)+and+CreatedDateTime+ge+2023-01-01T00:00:00Z
- parentId+eq+'78202ffd-272b-4207-a7ad-7d2b1af5dafc'+and+(startswith('ABC',number)+or+startswith('ABC',displayName))
By default, Inactive iTwins are not returned from any API. This flag allows you to indicate that you want the export to include inactive iTwins. If not specified, the export will include iTwins with any status but Inactive, including any new status added in the future. If you specify a status in the filter parameter, then an error will be returned if you also try to set the includeInactive flag.
JsonGZip - A single large json file compressed using gzip. (filename.json.gz)
JsonZipArchive - A zip archive containing multiple json files. Each file contains 20,000 itwins. (
CsvGZip - A single csv file compressed using gzip. (filename.csv.gz)
Csv - A single uncompressed csv file. (filename.csv)
{ "type": "object", "properties": { "queryScope": { "type": "string", "description": "**MemberOfiTwin** - (Default) The export will be limited to the iTwins that the user is a member of. Use the [Access Control API]( to manage an iTwin's members. \r\n**OrganizationAdmin** - The export will be limited to the iTwins that belong to the users organization. It can only be used by an organization admin. It is useful for admins that want to export all iTwins in their organization.", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/QueryScope" }, "subClass": { "type": "string", "description": "One or more iTwin subClasses. Use a comma delimited list to specify more than one. For example, to export Assets and Projects, specify 'Asset,Project'. If not specified, the export will include all subClasses." }, "select": { "type": "string", "description": "A comma delimited list of iTwin properties that you want to include in the export. Keep the list of properties as small as possible to increase the speed of the export and limit the size of the export file. If not specified, then it will export the minimal representation which includes these columns: id,class,subClass,type,number,displayName" }, "filter": { "type": "string", "description": "An odata filter used to limit the iTwins that are exported. Use the subClass property to limit to specific subClasses. The filter is used to filter the results even further. All text values in the filter are case insensitive. \r\n\t\t\tExamples:\r\n\r\n - status+in+['Active','Inactive'] \r\n - status+eq+'Active'+and+contains('test',number)+and+CreatedDateTime+ge+2023-01-01T00:00:00Z \r\n - parentId+eq+'78202ffd-272b-4207-a7ad-7d2b1af5dafc'+and+(startswith('ABC',number)+or+startswith('ABC',displayName))" }, "includeInactive": { "type": "boolean", "description": "By default, Inactive iTwins are not returned from any API. This flag allows you to indicate that you want the export to include inactive iTwins. If not specified, the export will include iTwins with any status but Inactive, including any new status added in the future. If you specify a status in the filter parameter, then an error will be returned if you also try to set the includeInactive flag." }, "outputFormat": { "type": "string", "description": "**JsonGZip** - A single large json file compressed using gzip. (filename.json.gz) \r\n**JsonZipArchive** - A zip archive containing multiple json files. Each file contains 20,000 itwins. ( \r\n**CsvGZip** - A single csv file compressed using gzip. (filename.csv.gz) \r\n**Csv** - A single uncompressed csv file. (filename.csv)", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ExportOutputFormat" } }, "additionalProperties": false, "example": { "queryScope": "MemberOfiTwin", "subClass": "Asset,Project", "select": "number,displayName,status", "filter": "status+eq+'Active'+and+contains(number,'abc')", "includeInactive": false, "outputFormat": "JsonGZip" }, "required": [ "outputFormat" ] }
The Id of the export.
The url that is used to download the export. It will expire in 60 minutes. A new url is generated each time you query for the export details. The export is only available for 4 hours after the export completes. The outputUrl property will be null if the status is anything other than Completed. It will also be null if the export results in an empty file because the query returned no results.
The Id of the user that created the export.
The date that the export was created.
The date that the export started. This can also help assess the freshness of the exported data.
The date that the export completed.
{ "type": "object", "required": [ "id", "request", "status", "outputUrl" ], "properties": { "id": { "description": "The Id of the export.", "type": "string" }, "request": { "description": "A copy of the export request.", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/iTwinExportRequest" }, "status": { "description": "The status of the export. Valid Values are Queued, InProgress, Completed, Failed", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ExportStatus" }, "outputUrl": { "type": "string", "nullable": true, "description": "The url that is used to download the export. It will expire in 60 minutes. A new url is generated each time you query for the export details. The export is only available for 4 hours after the export completes. The outputUrl property will be null if the status is anything other than Completed. It will also be null if the export results in an empty file because the query returned no results." }, "createdBy": { "type": "string", "nullable": true, "description": "The Id of the user that created the export." }, "createdDateTime": { "type": "string", "format": "date-time", "description": "The date that the export was created." }, "startedDateTime": { "type": "string", "format": "date-time", "nullable": true, "description": "The date that the export started. This can also help assess the freshness of the exported data." }, "completedDateTime": { "type": "string", "format": "date-time", "nullable": true, "description": "The date that the export completed." } }, "additionalProperties": false }
{ "type": "object", "properties": { "export": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/iTwinExportDetails", "description": "Requested export" } }, "additionalProperties": false }
Contains error information.
One of a server-defined set of error codes.
A human-readable representation of the error.
The target of the error.
{ "type": "object", "description": "Contains error information.", "properties": { "code": { "type": "string", "description": "One of a server-defined set of error codes." }, "message": { "type": "string", "description": "A human-readable representation of the error." }, "target": { "type": "string", "description": "The target of the error.", "nullable": true } }, "required": [ "code", "message" ], "additionalProperties": true }
Error Response
Gives details for an error that occurred while handling the request. Note that clients MUST NOT assume that every failed request will produce an object of this schema, or that all of the properties in the response will be non-null, as the error may have prevented this response from being constructed.
{ "type": "object", "title": "Error Response", "description": "Gives details for an error that occurred while handling the request. Note that clients MUST NOT assume that every failed request will produce an object of this schema, or that all of the properties in the response will be non-null, as the error may have prevented this response from being constructed.", "properties": { "error": { "description": "Error information.", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Error" } }, "required": [ "error" ], "additionalProperties": false }
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