Create and react to events using Webhooks API V2


In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Webhooks API V2 to create and manage your webhooks. Also you will learn how to validate the webhook signature and process received event messages in your application.


Skill level:



45 minutes


This tutorial assumes that you already have:

  • Basic knowledge on webhooks and how they work.
  • Knowledge on web application deployment or experience using Heroku/Netlify.
  • Already registered your own Service Application on the iTwin Platform.
    • Steps to follow for registering an Service Application can be found here.
    • The Webhooks API V2 can only be called by Service Applications.

1.1 Required materials

Node.js (14.x LTS version)

This tool provides the backend JavaScript runtime necessary for your computer to read and render code appropriately. It also allows you to run NPM command line.


This is the common source code control system.

1.2 Suggested materials

Visual Studio Code

This is our recommended editor and debugger tool for developing iTwin.js applications. It is free, open source and includes a GUI for working with GIT.


If you want to test the REST API calls directly, you can use Postman or any other solution capable of sending HTTP requests. If you do it this way, you will require an authorization token for the requests to work.

Heroku account

Heroku will be used to deploy the test application during this tutorial.

2. Create your application

Since webhooks are sending the events via HTTP requests you need to have an application running that exposes a public HTTP endpoint - callback URL. In this tutorial we are going to use Node.js together with Express for test application.

2.1 Initialize the project

To start off, create new directory for your application and execute the following initialization commands. These commands will initialize new npm project, install required dependencies and configure typescript. After initialization, update freshly generated tsconfig.json file by setting outDir property to "dist". Next step will be updating package.json file to update the application entry point and start script. After that is done, the project is ready for the next step.

If you are running into tsc is not recognized problems, try installing typescript globally npm install typescript -g.

Project initialization

cd your-project
npm init -y
npm install express
npm install -D typescript @types/express
tsc --init




  "start":"tsc && node dist/index.js"

2.2 Create express server

Now let's start implementing the application. At first, create a new file in your project directory src/index.ts. This is going to be the application starting point. From example on the side you can see that we are going to have a public HTTP endpoint that will be accepting POST requests"/events", () => {}). This is because event messages are sent using POST method. Note that above there is a line app.use(express.text({ type: "application/json" })) that makes the server treat the requests with json content as text and not deserialize them initially because raw payload will be required for event authorization in one of the upcoming steps.


import express from "express";

const app = express();
app.use(express.text({ type: "application/json" }));"/events", () => {
  // Handle the event

const port = 5000;
app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log("Application was started.");

2.3 Add event authorization

In order to authorize the event source, we need to add event signature validation. Event signature is HMAC-SHA256 string that is included in the request Signature header. For validation we will be using Node.js crypto utility which basically lets us to generate the same type of signature in our end. Generated signature and the signature included in the request should match to pass the authorization. Let's start adding validation by creating a new function function validateSignature(payload: string, signatureHeader: string). As a first parameter it will to expect raw request payload and as a second parameter it will expect signature header value. This function will also need the webhook secret which we are going to add later on we create a webhook. Since, the signature header value also contains the cryptographic algorithm name and the signature value separated by =, we need to extract these values into separate variables const [algorithm, signature] = signatureHeader.split("="). Then at this point, using all the existing variables we can generate a signature crypto.createHmac(algorithm, secret).update(payload, "utf-8").digest("hex"). Lastly, we need to check if both signatures match and return the result.


import crypto from "crypto";
function validateSignature(payload: string, signatureHeader: string): boolean {
  // Replace with your own webhook secret later
  const secret = "4eb25d308ef2a9722ffbd7a2b7e5026f9d1f2feaca5999611d4ef8692b1ad70d";

  const [algorithm, signature] = signatureHeader.split("=");
  const generated_sig = crypto.createHmac(algorithm, secret).update(payload, "utf-8").digest("hex");

  return generated_sig.toLowerCase() === signature.toLowerCase();

2.4 Define data models

Before we can start receiving the events, we need to prepare the models for expected data. You can find the schema for the base event and all other available events here. Create a new file src/models.ts and create event types by matching the schema. For this example we will create two event types, iModels.iModelDeleted.v1 and accessControl.memberAdded.v1


export type Event = {
  content: iModelDeletedEvent | NamedVersionCreatedEvent;
  eventType: string;
  enqueuedDateTime: string;
  messageId: string;
  webhookId: string;
  iTwinId: string;

export type iModelDeletedEvent = {
  imodelId: string;
  userId: string;

export type MemberAddedEvent = {
  memberId: string;
  eventCreatedBy: string;
  memberType: string;
  roleId: string;
  roleName: string;

2.5 Event handling

Now that we have everything ready for event handling, we can start implementing it. First we want to validate the request you receive came from our Webhooks Service. You can do this be checking the signature header. If the request either does not contain a signature header or a request body, you can go ahead and return '401 Unauthorized" if (!signatureHeader || !req.body) res.sendStatus(401). If request does have these components then we can proceed with further processing logic and try to validate the event signature using the function we defined in step 2.3 if (!validateSignature(req.body, signatureHeader)) res.sendStatus(401). If validation fails, we can assume that the event was sent from unexpected source and safely return 401 Unauthorized as well.

If we do not receive a response within 5 seconds we will count that request as failed and start the retry procedure. To avoid any inadvertent timeouts we suggest validating the request, putting any work you will be doing in reaction to the event on a seperate thread, and then return '200 Ok'. More information about the retry procedure can be found here.


import { Event, NamedVersionCreatedEvent } from "./models";
typescript"/events", (req, res) => {
  const signatureHeader = req.headers["signature"] as string;
  if (!signatureHeader || !req.body) res.sendStatus(401);

  if (!validateSignature(req.body, signatureHeader)) {
  } else {
    const event = JSON.parse(req.body) as Event;
    switch (event.eventType) {
      case "accessControl.memberAdded.v1": {
        const content = event.content as MemberAddedEvent;
        console.log(`Member (Id:${content.memberId}) was added to iTwin (${event.iTwinId})!  Member was granted the ${content.roleName} role (Id: ${content.roleId}).`);
        res.sendStatus(400); //Unexpected event type

2.6 Deploy

For this application to work, you have to deploy it to be publicly accessible. If you have any preferences for the deployment, go ahead and use your own deployment method and platform. If not, you can keep following the tutorial and deploy the application using Heroku:

  1. Create a Heroku Remote.
  2. Deploy by pushing the code.
  3. Use heroku logs --tail for monitoring the behavior of the application.

Once you have the application deployed and running, we can move on to the webhook creation.

3. Create a webhook

Webhooks allows you to subscribe to events happening in iTwin Platform. Webhooks are an easy way to automate workflows inside of the iTwin Platform.

3.1 Request

A webhook for iModel events is created by sending a POST request to Authorization header with valid Bearer access token is required.

The Webhooks API V2 can only be called by Service Applications. For more information on Service Applications and how to obtain an access token can be found here. A list of your Service Applications can be found here.

Example HTTP request for "Create webhook" operation

Authorization: Bearer JWT_TOKEN
Content-Type: application/json

3.2 Request body

Webhook creation properties:

  • callbackUrl - a public endpoint of your application where you expect the event to be sent.
  • eventTypes - a list of event types you want to subscribe to. A full list can be found here
  • secret - (optional) At least 32 character string value. Used to validate the request to the callback url. If no value is given a secret will be generate and returned. For more information, see here.
  • scope - Scope of the events that will be received. Only 'Account' is the accepted value.

For more information see the documentation.

Don't forget to replace the HOSTNAME placeholder value with your deployed application hostname.

Example request body

  "scope": "account",
  "secret": "optional-32-character-value"

3.3 Response

On the successful response you will get returned the webhook secret if you did not provided one in the request. We will be need it later to validate received events. You will need to store the secret in your application storage in order to prepare for receiving events, but for this tutorial just use it to replace the const secret value in function validateSignature from step 2.3.

Note that the webhook secret should not be shared with anyone and treated as a private key.

Example response result

    "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "scope": "Account",
    "scopeId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "active": false,
    "secret": "1de62d1611b20e00245c0db2b0805e9f60021b104702a3c227cf6e216f1f153b",
    "eventTypes": [

4. Activate a webhook

For your webhooks to start receiving events it must first be activated. By default webhooks are created as inactivate.

4.1 Request

A webhook can be updated by sending a PATCH request to

The Webhooks API V2 can only be called by Service Applications. For more information on Service Applications and how to obtain an access token can be found here. A list of your Service Applications can be found here.

Example HTTP request for "Update webhook" operation

Authorization: Bearer JWT_TOKEN
Content-Type: application/json

4.2 Request body

To activate a webhook you will need to set the active field to true.

For more information see the documentation.

Example request body

  "active": true

4.3 Response

On the successful response you will get returned the webhook with the updated values. For this example only the 'active' field is updated.

Your webhook is now active. Your application setup in Step 2 will now start to receive events.

Example response result

    "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "scope": "Account",
    "scopeId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "active": true,
    "eventTypes": [