Retrieves a list of form definitions for the iTwin with the given ID. By default this retrieves only Approved form definitions; set the status
parameter to any
or another status to override this.
Note that in order to create a form data instance, it must be associated with the ID of one of these form definitions (through the 'formId' property in the 'Create form data' request body). This API cannot be used to create or edit form definitions. They can only be created/edited/imported by iTwin administrators through the Bentley Form Manager webapp, which is accessible at (replace your-itwin-id
with your actual project or iTwin ID). If you call this endpoint with the Prefer
header set to return=representation
, then any form definitions in the response that you have permission to edit will include a link you can follow to edit their layout in the Form Manager webapp.
Note that the 'iTwinId' query string parameter is required. It must be a valid iTwin or project GUID to get form definitions from. Existing clients can continue to use the 'projectId' parameter as an alias for 'iTwinId'.
Requires Authorization
header with valid Bearer token for scope itwin-platform
For more documentation on authorization and how to get access token visit OAUTH2 Authorization page.
Request parameters
The GUID of the iTwin or project to get form definitions for. (Note: projectId is also accepted as an alias for this parameter.)
The form type to get form definitions for. Omit to get all form definitions in the iTwin.
If present, filters the results to only include form definitions with the given string (case-insensitive) in their names.
Filters form definitions by their status (i.e., whether they are ready for use). Options are 'Draft', 'Approved', 'Maintenance', or 'Archived' to only get form definitions with the given status, or 'any' to get form definitions regardless of status. Default is 'Approved'.
Request headers
Chooses whether to get a summary of each form definition (return=minimal) or more properties (return=representation).
OAuth access token with itwin-platform
Setting to application/
is recommended.
Response 200 OK
{ "formDefinitions": [{ "id": "e5Ue5Ue5U02hNz19awLcRunOLuFxVDVMgg123456789", "displayName": "Meeting Minutes", "type": "Meeting Minutes", "status": "Approved" }, { "id": "e5Ue5Ue5U02hNz19awLcRs9fwhpZJf9Ig8123456789", "displayName": "Daily Log", "type": "Daily Log", "status": "Approved" }, { "id": "e5Ue5Ue5U02hNz19awLcRlP_Y0Rr2UNCmB123456789", "displayName": "PWDM Transmittal", "type": "Other", "status": "Draft" }, { "id": "e5Ue5Ue5U02hNz19awLcRpF8HgFXsnpLr3123456789", "displayName": "Area Work Package", "type": "Work Package", "status": "Maintenance" }, { "id": "e5Ue5Ue5U02hNz19awLcRsXIvkgxUdtJrl123456789", "displayName": "PWDM Transmittal", "type": "Other", "status": "Archived" }, { "id": "e5Ue5Ue5U02hNz19awLcRp7OYlFQQNFNjw123456789", "displayName": "Safety Checklist", "type": "Other", "status": "Approved" }, { "id": "e5Ue5Ue5U02hNz19awLcRuI88q2YOxRGgf123456789", "displayName": "Work Package", "type": "Work Package", "status": "Approved" }, { "id": "e5Ue5Ue5U02hNz19awLcRtJUvNKd5JpIti123456789", "displayName": "PWDM Submittal", "type": "Submittal", "status": "Approved" }, { "id": "e5Ue5Ue5U02hNz19awLcRvwbDliwONdOss123456789", "displayName": "Design Document Review", "type": "Review", "status": "Approved" }, { "id": "e5Ue5Ue5U02hNz19awLcRiaJ2FK5ooxDrl123456789", "displayName": "Custom Form", "type": "Other", "status": "Approved" } ] }
Response 401 Unauthorized
This response indicates that request lacks valid authentication credentials. Access token might not been provided, issued by the wrong issuer, does not have required scopes or request headers were malformed.
{ "error": { "code": "HeaderNotFound", "message": "Header Authorization was not found in the request. Access denied." } }
Response 404 Not Found
This response indicates that the project with the specified ID does not exist or is inaccessible to the user due to insufficient permissions. (For security reasons, the response will not differ between inaccessible and missing projects.)
{ "error": { "code": "ProjectNotFound", "message": "Requested project is not available.", "target": "projectId" } }
Response 422 Unprocessable Entity
This response indicates that there is a problem with the format of the URL. Most likely problem: The 'iTwinId' parameter is missing or not a valid GUID.
{ "error": { "code": "InvalidFormDefRequest", "message": "Cannot retrieve form definitions.", "details": [{ "code": "MissingRequiredParameter", "message": "The 'iTwinId' query parameter must be provided.", "target": "iTwinId" }] } }
Response 429 Too many requests
This response indicates that the user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time.
{ "error": { "code": "TooManyRequests", "message": "More requests were received than the subscription rate-limit allows." } }
Response headers
The number of requests exceeds the rate-limit for the client subscription.
Form Definition List
{ "type": "object", "title": "Form Definition List", "properties": { "formDefinitions": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/form-definition-summary-minimal" } } }, "additionalProperties": false }
Form Definition Summary status
Whether this form definition is available for use. Possible values: Draft
or Maintenance
means users can edit its layout, but not fill out instances of it. Approved
means users can fill it out, but not edit its layout. Archived
allows neither.
{ "type": "string", "description": "Whether this form definition is available for use. Possible values: `Draft` or `Maintenance` means users can edit its layout, but not fill out instances of it. `Approved` means users can fill it out, but not edit its layout. `Archived` allows neither.", "enum": [ "Draft", "Approved", "Maintenance", "Archived" ], "title": "Form Definition Summary status" }
Form Definition Summary
Unique ID for this form definition.
The name of this form definition as it is displayed to users in the Form Manager UI and Forms webapp UI.
The form type that can be created from this form definition.
Whether this form definition is available for use. Possible values: Draft
or Maintenance
means users can edit its layout, but not fill out instances of it. Approved
means users can fill it out, but not edit its layout. Archived
allows neither.
{ "type": "object", "title": "Form Definition Summary", "properties": { "id": { "type": "string", "description": "Unique ID for this form definition." }, "displayName": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of this form definition as it is displayed to users in the Form Manager UI and Forms webapp UI." }, "type": { "type": "string", "description": "The form type that can be created from this form definition." }, "status": { "type": "string", "description": "Whether this form definition is available for use. Possible values: `Draft` or `Maintenance` means users can edit its layout, but not fill out instances of it. `Approved` means users can fill it out, but not edit its layout. `Archived` allows neither.", "enum": [ "Draft", "Approved", "Maintenance", "Archived" ], "title": "Form Definition Summary status", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/form-definition-summary-minimal-status" } }, "additionalProperties": false }
Form Definition List
{ "type": "object", "title": "Form Definition List", "properties": { "formDefinitions": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/form-definition-summary-representation" } } }, "additionalProperties": false }
Form Definition Summary status
Whether this form definition is available for use. Possible values: Draft
or Maintenance
means users can edit its layout, but not fill out instances of it. Approved
means users can fill it out, but not edit its layout. Archived
allows neither.
{ "type": "string", "description": "Whether this form definition is available for use. Possible values: `Draft` or `Maintenance` means users can edit its layout, but not fill out instances of it. `Approved` means users can fill it out, but not edit its layout. `Archived` allows neither.", "enum": [ "Draft", "Approved", "Maintenance", "Archived" ], "title": "Form Definition Summary status" }
Form Definition Summary shareType
Whether this form definition can be used in multiple iTwins. A value of null
means it cannot. 'ReadOnly'
and 'ReadWrite'
mean it can. 'ReadOnly'
means its layout can only be edited from its original iTwin, and 'ReadWrite'
means its layout can be edited from any iTwin in the organization.
{ "type": "string", "description": "Whether this form definition can be used in multiple iTwins. A value of `null` means it cannot. `'ReadOnly'` and `'ReadWrite'` mean it can. `'ReadOnly'` means its layout can only be edited from its original iTwin, and `'ReadWrite'` means its layout can be edited from any iTwin in the organization.", "enum": [ null, "ReadOnly", "ReadWrite" ], "nullable": true, "title": "Form Definition Summary shareType" }
Form Definition Summary errorStatus
String describing whether the form definition has problems that could prevent it from displaying (Warning) or functioning (Error or Critical) correctly. Possible values: 'None', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Critical', 'Unknown'.
{ "type": "string", "description": "String describing whether the form definition has problems that could prevent it from displaying (Warning) or functioning (Error or Critical) correctly. Possible values: 'None', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Critical', 'Unknown'.", "enum": [ "None", "Warning", "Error", "Critical", "Unknown" ], "title": "Form Definition Summary errorStatus" }
Form Definition Summary
Unique ID for this form definition.
The name of this form definition as it is displayed to users in the Form Manager UI and Forms webapp UI.
The form type that can be created from this form definition.
Whether this form definition is available for use. Possible values: Draft
or Maintenance
means users can edit its layout, but not fill out instances of it. Approved
means users can fill it out, but not edit its layout. Archived
allows neither.
Whether this form definition can be used in multiple iTwins. A value of null
means it cannot. 'ReadOnly'
and 'ReadWrite'
mean it can. 'ReadOnly'
means its layout can only be edited from its original iTwin, and 'ReadWrite'
means its layout can be edited from any iTwin in the organization.
A prefix that appears in front of the auto-incrementing number
property of each filled-out instance created from this form definition. Can be null, in which case the system fills in the prefix based on the form's type.
String describing whether the form definition has problems that could prevent it from displaying (Warning) or functioning (Error or Critical) correctly. Possible values: 'None', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Critical', 'Unknown'.
{ "type": "object", "title": "Form Definition Summary", "properties": { "id": { "type": "string", "description": "Unique ID for this form definition." }, "displayName": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of this form definition as it is displayed to users in the Form Manager UI and Forms webapp UI." }, "type": { "type": "string", "description": "The form type that can be created from this form definition." }, "status": { "type": "string", "description": "Whether this form definition is available for use. Possible values: `Draft` or `Maintenance` means users can edit its layout, but not fill out instances of it. `Approved` means users can fill it out, but not edit its layout. `Archived` allows neither.", "enum": [ "Draft", "Approved", "Maintenance", "Archived" ], "title": "Form Definition Summary status", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/form-definition-summary-representation-status" }, "shareType": { "type": "string", "description": "Whether this form definition can be used in multiple iTwins. A value of `null` means it cannot. `'ReadOnly'` and `'ReadWrite'` mean it can. `'ReadOnly'` means its layout can only be edited from its original iTwin, and `'ReadWrite'` means its layout can be edited from any iTwin in the organization.", "enum": [ null, "ReadOnly", "ReadWrite" ], "nullable": true, "title": "Form Definition Summary shareType", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/form-definition-summary-representation-shareType" }, "idPrefix": { "type": "string", "description": "A prefix that appears in front of the auto-incrementing `number` property of each filled-out instance created from this form definition. Can be null, in which case the system fills in the prefix based on the form's type.", "nullable": true }, "errorStatus": { "type": "string", "description": "String describing whether the form definition has problems that could prevent it from displaying (Warning) or functioning (Error or Critical) correctly. Possible values: 'None', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Critical', 'Unknown'.", "enum": [ "None", "Warning", "Error", "Critical", "Unknown" ], "title": "Form Definition Summary errorStatus", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/form-definition-summary-representation-errorStatus" }, "_links": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/form-definition-design-links" } }, "required": [ "id", "displayName", "type", "status" ], "additionalProperties": false }
If this form definition is in an editable state and you have permission to edit form definitions, this link sends you to the Form Manager webapp where you can edit its layout. Otherwise, this link will not appear.
{ "type": "object", "description": "If this form definition is in an editable state and you have permission to edit form definitions, this link sends you to the Form Manager webapp where you can edit its layout. Otherwise, this link will not appear.", "properties": { "design": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/link" } }, "additionalProperties": false }
{ "type": "object", "properties": { "href": { "type": "string" } }, "additionalProperties": false }
Contains error information and an array of more specific errors.
One of a server-defined set of error codes.
A human-readable representation of the error.
The target of the error.
{ "type": "object", "description": "Contains error information and an array of more specific errors.", "properties": { "code": { "type": "string", "description": "One of a server-defined set of error codes." }, "message": { "type": "string", "description": "A human-readable representation of the error." }, "target": { "type": "string", "description": "The target of the error.", "nullable": true }, "details": { "type": "array", "description": "Optional array of more specific errors.", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Error" } } }, "required": [ "code", "message", "details" ], "additionalProperties": true }
Detailed Error Response
Gives details for an error that occurred while handling the request. Note that clients MUST NOT assume that every failed request will produce an object of this schema, or that all of the properties in the response will be non-null, as the error may have prevented this response from being constructed.
{ "type": "object", "title": "Detailed Error Response", "description": "Gives details for an error that occurred while handling the request. Note that clients MUST NOT assume that every failed request will produce an object of this schema, or that all of the properties in the response will be non-null, as the error may have prevented this response from being constructed.", "properties": { "error": { "description": "Error Detailed information.", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/DetailedError" } }, "required": [ "error" ], "additionalProperties": false }
Contains error information.
One of a server-defined set of error codes.
A human-readable representation of the error.
The target of the error.
{ "type": "object", "description": "Contains error information.", "properties": { "code": { "type": "string", "description": "One of a server-defined set of error codes." }, "message": { "type": "string", "description": "A human-readable representation of the error." }, "target": { "type": "string", "description": "The target of the error.", "nullable": true } }, "required": [ "code", "message" ], "additionalProperties": true }
Error Response
Gives details for an error that occurred while handling the request. Note that clients MUST NOT assume that every failed request will produce an object of this schema, or that all of the properties in the response will be non-null, as the error may have prevented this response from being constructed.
{ "type": "object", "title": "Error Response", "description": "Gives details for an error that occurred while handling the request. Note that clients MUST NOT assume that every failed request will produce an object of this schema, or that all of the properties in the response will be non-null, as the error may have prevented this response from being constructed.", "properties": { "error": { "description": "Error information.", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Error" } }, "required": [ "error" ], "additionalProperties": false }
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