Workflow Automation

Subscribe to iTwin events to receive notifications and trigger actions in your applications.

Key features

    Increase automation and integrate multiple systems

    Create event-driven workflows

    Eliminate inefficient polling for events

    Subscribe to events and receive instant notifications when they occur

Workflow automation use cases

Consider the manual workflows you manage today such as sending notifications, waiting for a job to complete, and integrating multiple, varied systems. Our Workflow Automation APIs can streamline these tasks saving you time and effort.

Monitor events and coordinate workflows

Keep up with your work and increase your efficiency with real-time alerts that notify you of any changes made in your project such as iModel, iTwin updates, Access Control, and more.

Monitor events and coordinate workflows

Streamline your workflow by integrating essential apps into a customized process. Take control of your time and maximize your impact.

Monitor events and coordinate workflows

Maximize your productivity with real-time alerts that notify you when long-running jobs are completed. Stay informed and take immediate action, ensuring no time is wasted and your business can thrive.

Monitor events and coordinate workflows

Automate your workflow with Webhook

Webhooks enable applications to communicate in real-time by sending notifications or data when specific events occur. When creating your Webhook, you specify the callback URL to which iTwin Platform events are sent. This eliminates the need for continuous polling and ensures that applications remain synchronized.

Subscribe to events

To be notified of events in your iTwins, create a Webhook with the callback URL where updates should be sent. We have a wide range of events available for you to use.

Monitor events and coordinate workflows
Featured APIs

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