Digital Twin Management

Access and integrate data from both Bentley and 3rd party repositories.

Key features

    Enable alignment, accountability and accessibility of infrastructure digital twins

    Show engineering designs in the real-world digital context

    Quickly and securely exchange critical project data with your entire supply chain

    Efficiently manage and administer digital component libraries providing designers with approved proprietary components

Manage iModels

iModels are specialized containers for exchanging infrastructure information. They ensure that information, including business properties, geometry, graphics, and relationships, flows easily, completely, and accurately between and within design, construction, and operations environments.

Manage iModels

Organize, stream, and visualize reality data

Organize the reality data for a project and share it with team members. Support multiple types of reality data including 3D scalable meshes, point clouds, and photos. Retrieve the latest reality data from the cloud and visualize it through the open source iTwin.js library.

Organize, stream, and visualize reality data

Exchange content and collaborate

Capture real-time changes; collaborate on projects by securely sharing folders, files, and documents. Eliminate the redundancy and confusion often caused by documents stored on multiple sites and with different applications.

Exchange content and collaborate

Access and distribute digital components

Quickly retrieve organization and project components for use in design applications and industries across multidiscipline project teams. Maintain component metadata and associated documents for use throughout the asset lifecycle.

Access and distribute digital components
Featured APIs

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